Why You Should Try Digital Art

Why You Should Try Digital Art

Digital art and traditional art share a lot of similarities. The main difference between the two is the materials used. Digital art is becoming one of the most popular hobbies and skill sets that people want to learn and have. And here are four reasons why you should give digital art a try if you have been doing traditional art for ages.

1. Cheaper, Less Messy, More Portable

Traditional art materials run out, and you would have to replace them in order to keep creating artwork. If you are a drawer your pencils will become smaller, if you are a painter, your tubes will run out, etc. This can add to the cost of doing old-school art.

However, with digital art, all you would need is a computer, a program like Photoshop or any free software, a drawing tablet, and a stylus. These can fetch a lot in the beginning, but in the long run, they will be less expensive than the materials that you have to replace and buy new.

Another thing is that digital art is not messy. You would not have to set up a newspaper floor before you start painting since every stroke is done through the tablet to the computer. This can make life a lot easier if you are someone who likes to be clean but not to clean.

Plus, digital art is a lot more portable than the other type. There is less to carry around. Some tablets such as an iPad can let you draw directly onto them meaning that you would only have to have two small items when you go out and about. When the inspiration hits you, you can just take those two things out, and begin drawing and creating.

2. More Career Options

Traditional art can be very difficult to make a living out of. Especially when you are starting. With digital art, you can easily and quickly post your work online inviting clients to hire you. They are more likely to go for digital artists because they are quicker, and they can revise the work before they get paid. Since everything is on your computer you can go to the file and add or take away from the work.

Plus, you can do other types of work such as concept art for video games, or evenonline slot machines. You can make comics, do landscapes, and even movie posters. And you can even go into graphic design. While it is not the same as doing old-school paintings there is an appeal to it when it comes to earning a profit. Plus, you would get to challenge yourself to do something you would not have, and get paid for it.

3. Community is Key

One of the highlights of doing digital art is that you can join communities where people are doing the same thing as you. Some members can be experienced digital artists while others can be starting. It is groups like these on Facebook, Reddit, etc. where you can get tips and share work to get feedback. It is nice to have people backing you up. While traditional artists do get the support it is not as wide or big when compared to digital artists. Plus, more and more people are joining the latter.

4. It is Fun

Much like traditional art, digital art is also fun. You can experiment as well as learn new skills while playing around with your drawing tablet and program. It is a great hobby to have that can go into a career if you keep at it and improve your skills. And digital art can be easy to pick up, but hard to master, much like art is meant to be. But, you can de-stress by drawing a bit on your tablet instead of playingfree spins with no deposit slot.

So, there you have our four reasons you should give digital art a try. It will never replace traditional art, it is just a new medium for you to experiment and play with.

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